Four-legged globetrotters

Are you not considering taking a vacation without your faithful pet? No worries ! Many European countries accept animals with great pleasure. Legislation, transport or even the possibility of activities at your destination, learn how to travel in Europe with your pet.

What is the European legislation on travel with a pet?
Please note, all these provisions apply to leisure travel, on a private basis, and not to the transport of animals intended for sale or for a change of owner. Traveling with your pet in the European Union
General case
These provisions apply to dogs, cats and ferrets.Two conditions must be met if you wish to have your animal travel within the European Union:
- he must be up to date with the anti-rabies vaccination. That is to say, initial vaccination (which can only be done from 3 months) and annual booster. Note that the rabies vaccine only takes effect after 3 weeks and that your animal must be identified before being vaccinated (otherwise, the vaccine will not be recognized as valid);
- microchip identification and the European animal identification passport issued by a veterinarian are essential.
Note: if your dog, cat or ferret is less than 3 months old (and therefore could not be vaccinated against rabies), check with the country you want to go to. Some still allow their admission. The same goes for dogs, cats and ferrets aged 12 to 16 weeks, and therefore vaccinated against rabies for less than 3 weeks.
You can travel with a maximum of 5 animals. Derogations are however possible, in very specific situations (competition, sporting event or exhibition of dogs or cats) and by fulfilling specific conditions.
Special case of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland and Malta
Going to Europe with another pet
If you are traveling with an animal other than those mentioned above: a reptile, a bird, a rabbit, a hamster, or other, find out beforehand about the regulations of the country of destination from:- the consulate or embassy of the country concerned;
- of the DDCSPP .
You will find all the necessary information concerning the legislation for traveling abroad with your pet on the Public Service website.

What regulations do transport companies apply?
We have just seen in detail the European legislation, but what about the regulation of carriers? Whether you are traveling by train, plane or boat, you will need to get closer to the company with which you will be traveling. Each can have very specific rules. Will your pet be able to travel with you or will it have to travel in the hold? Are all animals accepted (in the case of category 1 dogs, for example)? What type of fund should be planned (approved fund, most often)? What are the travel conditions? etc. These are all questions you will need to ask yourself to prepare your trip to Europe with your favorite animal.
How do I get my pet to travel in good conditions?
In other words, what treatment to give him, if any? You have to be very vigilant, because the administration of tranquilizers is not a trivial act. It needs to be well dosed, because of the potential danger it can present to your dog or cat during its stay in the hold or by your side.
First of all, you may ask yourself if your pet really needs chemical treatment for the trip? If you think this will be a source of significant stress for him and he is likely to scream the entire time of the journey, then the answer is yes: a tranquilizer is the right solution. On the other hand, if he is of an anxious nature, but tends to remain prostrate in his corner without screaming or hurting himself against the cage, then treatment to decrease the anxiety will be sufficient. Certain food supplements, necklace or sprays based on soothing pheromones will do the trick.
Either way, your best bet is to discuss this with your vet when preparing for your trip. And if possible, try the treatment listed beforehand, to see how your pet responds.

Which country in Europe should you travel to with your dog?
Are you still unsure about your vacation destination? Let's take an overview of the most welcoming European countries for your favorite pet.
Barcelona is a dream destination for dogs! In addition to public transport allowing access to animals, there are no less than 5 beaches where you can go with your dog. The most famous, Llevant beach, has an area of 1,200 m² where your dog can walk without a leash and swim as he pleases.
Whether you go to Rome, Tuscany or Sardinia, your dog will be welcome in many places in Italy and will be able to enjoy multiple activities, such as dog sessions or swimming lessons. If you go to Milan, the Parco Monte Stella, Parco Sempione or Parco Nord parks will allow your favorite animal to take beautiful walks.
It’s the dog-friendly country par excellence! Your four-legged pet will love it and you will be able to share activities with him. You will have the choice between cani-hiking, cani-mountain biking or even canine skijoring. You won't be bored!
Known for its natural beauties, Croatia offers you a peaceful vacation. You and your dog can enjoy both the national parks in the heart of the country and the beaches along the coasts. Hiking and swimming are waiting for you!When booking, make sure the owner of your vacation home accepts pets. This is stated in each ad under the heading “The details that make all the difference”. Rest assured, most of the houses and accommodation offered on Blueside-Home&Host welcome animals with open arms. Enjoy your next vacation with your pet!